Posts tagged downtown winston-salem
From Guilt to Growth: The Transformation of My LinkedIn Headshot

I am feeling so guilty!

My old headshot.

I’ve recently started utilizing LinkedIn to connect with more people. You know, build my network and such so I can meet more amazing small business owners and professionals like you! Now, as a professional headshot and small business photographer, one might think I am constantly up to date with my own branding photographs and headshots.

[Nervous laugh]

Vulnerable truth? I’m not.

I’ve had the same headshot on my LinkedIn profile for a few years now. I love that headshot. As much as I love it though, so much has happened professionally in the three years since I changed it.

I’ve moved to a new studio.
My brand voice has shifted slightly.
I wear different styles of professional clothes now.

On a personal note, I’ve changed physically too. I have a new scar on my forehead, more freckles, more weight, a filed tooth. I look more mature.

I’ve let my headshot stay because I like it so much. It feels fresh and happy and a bit wild. So, whenever it came to changing my headshot out, I easily told myself I could wait a little longer - wait until I lost a little weight, learned how to style the right side of my hair, found a shirt in my favorite shade of green that didn’t make me look chesty, felt more rested. I had all the reasons.

I’ve been in plenty of behind the scenes captures from my team and social media clips but those were all of me working. That extra action of having a task to do inside of the photograph served as a safety blanket. It’s been a long time since I’ve had photographs of me that are a true portrait - where the content of the photograph is the totality of who I am.

That kind of vulnerability is intimidating.

Well, I finally did a session for myself with a good friend - (because we’re working on something really, really awesome together and we needed photographs to share our collaboration!) ! I embraced myself as best I could, taking time to breathe, shake the nerves out of my arms, mentally encourage myself and let my walls down, I acknowledged that I wasn’t going to like every photograph of me but had the goal to be authentic. Because, so long as I was authentic, I would enjoy seeing Me and I know that the people I love most in life are the ones who see the person behind the body. So, if I could see Me, I knew others would see Me.

It was refreshing to treat myself this way but also incredibly nerve-wracking. My self confidence isn’t at a high point right now and I didn’t want to battle my inner critic. But I did it. I did it and I’m proud of myself for the inner work I had to do to show up fully me. In the end, there were some not-so-great images to cull out but, there were a surprising amount of photographs I did like!

This whole process of photographing myself made me all the more sensitive to how some people may feel when they have their photograph made. It truly hugs my heart that you trust me to photograph you - especially if you’re like me and don’t like having your photograph made.

Thank you. I am so grateful for your trust!

Who knew that updating my LinkedIn headshot would be such an important opportunity for growth?? Certainly not me. It was a rollercoaster of emotions - from guilt and hesitation to vulnerability and self-empowerment. I both hated it and loved it. I am glad to have experienced my own growth and heightened my sensitivity to the feelings of others who may share similar discomfort with being photographed. I am deeply grateful for the trust that others place in me as a photographer and appreciate the opportunity to capture the essence of those I work with.

The guilt is now lifted. My LinkedIn profile reflects the current me – a slightly less traditional version, but one that feels genuine and empowering. So, to everyone who, like me, might have been postponing updating their headshots, I encourage you to embrace your authenticity and take that step. It's worth it!

And if we haven't connected yet or you simply want to see what my fresh new LinkedIn profile looks like check it out! Make sure to send me a request while you’re there. I’d love to keep in touch with what you’re up to!

Better Together | Winston-Salem Headshot and Brand Photographer | Jasper & Fern
It’s our differences that make us better as a whole.
— Alyson, Head Photographer at Jasper & Fern

After the heartache of finding myself surrounded by negative company too often in the past, I absolutely love and am grateful for now being surrounded by women who honestly want to see each other succeed. There are no ulterior motives, no people talking behind each others' backs - just women stepping in to share their knowledge and skill for the betterment of others.

Branding Portrait for marketing coach, Mallory Schlabach. | Winston-Salem On location Brand Photography | Jasper & Fern

Branding Portrait for marketing coach, Mallory Schlabach. | Winston-Salem On location Brand Photography | Jasper & Fern

One of my favorite parts about my job is the opportunity to build community and support another small businesses' success. It's about more than creating pretty pictures. It's learning your needs, getting to see where you're going and be involved in your vision. It's stepping into the world you're passionate about and connecting with your heart.

I've always said that each person has been created with unique gifts with which they can use to impact their community. It's our differences that make us better as a whole. It's our choice to use those gifts for the betterment of those around us.

On-Location Brand Photography | Winston-Salem Business and Brand Photographer | Jasper & Fern

I’m here to answer this one question for you, yes you, you hard working, small business owner who wants something different for your brand other than studio photos.

On-location brand portrait for Winston-Salem based small business marketer, Mallory Schlabach. | Winston-Salem Business and Brand Photographer | Jasper & Fern

On-location brand portrait for Winston-Salem based small business marketer, Mallory Schlabach. | Winston-Salem Business and Brand Photographer | Jasper & Fern

Y-E-S! On location brand photography is a great option for your business!

Not all branding photographs need to happen in a photography studio. They can happen anywhere! Your brand photographs need to serve you.

If that means you need them on-location on a rooftop or a beach or in a library or in the forest or in your attic or on a farm or at your storefront or your shop - a.n.y.w.h.e.r.e. - then that’s what needs to happen. You know your brand best. Don’t be afraid to ask for the atypical.

On-location branding photography can help you stand out. It provides the opportunity to show what you do in a creative way. It can give your audience a more intimate glimpse into your life and the inner workings of your vision. It can even showcase your business WHY in a creative way.

So go on, you awesome small business owner, put your vision out there and let’s create brand photographs that sell your unique story!

Celebrating Jennifer

Her face may be familiar to you, as she has graced our blog and social media several times. If you're just now meeting her, she's one of the sweetest, most compassionate women. Jen is gracious and graceful and I always love photographing her. This time around, she wanted to do something different, something that let her branch out, something creative, something that excited her. 

She sent me oodles of images for inspiration, mainly featuring a parachute dress. Whilst I don't have a parachute dress in my collection, I knew I could create a dress for her. We sent styles back and forth to each other and then got down to selecting a location. Now, being frank, I was a bit apprehensive about photographing at the Arts Park in downtown Winston-Salem. I'm definitely a bare-feet in the grass, fields of flowers and waterfalls kind of lady! However, if Jennifer was willing to push herself, I was willing to be right there with her. 

The final bit of inspiration was a story Jennifer sent me. I asked her to send me a story or a feeling she wanted to have captured with these images. This is her story.

"Once there was a girl who was a dreamer, a lover of life with a big open heart. She believed so much in the good in others and had hope for a fairy tale life for herself. Unfortunately, she tended to let the wrong people into her life and she often got left behind holding the pieces of her heart. These pieces were all that were left for her to start over and she did it again and again, opening her heart and being shattered once more. Yet, she remained strong, and kept building her strength, because she knew God had a beautiful plan for her. Her parachute represents the perseverance that has kept her going all these years and her realization that nothing is going to stop her from believing because she always has always been filled with hope and had her own back."

This is what we created to celebrate her strength and her journey, her love and her resilience. Jen has titled this series "Becoming Fearless" and I couldn't love the name any more than I do because it's perfect for her!

Creative Portraits in Downtown WInston-Salem, NC | Arts Park, WSNC | Fearless | Inspired portraits | Images with a story | Lulu dress | Flowing white dress | city art installations | Winston-Salem Photographer | North Carolina Photographer | Winston…
Creative Portraits in Downtown WInston-Salem, NC | Arts Park, WSNC | Fearless | Inspired portraits | Images with a story | Lulu dress | Flowing white dress | city art installations | Winston-Salem Photographer | North Carolina Photographer | Winston…
Creative Portraits in Downtown WInston-Salem, NC | Arts Park, WSNC | Fearless | Inspired portraits | Images with a story | Lulu dress | Flowing white dress | city art installations | Winston-Salem Photographer | North Carolina Photographer | Winston…