You are more than pretty pictures.
You are a vault of knowledge, life experience of stories. You are the heart of the business.
Pretty pictures will catch your target audience's attention. The STORY a photograph is telling will capture their interest and draw them into your world.
People are ready to fall in love with your story. Show them!
Today, a specific sentiment sits on my heart heavier than usual.
All of us have something we don't like about ourselves. We hide it, mask it, put concealer over it, wear certain clothes and colors because of it. We are hyper aware of what WE see in the mirror staring back at us. It can be SO HARD for us to see the beauty in ourselves that others so readily see.
I believe there's still a wide-eyed little kid tied to our self confidence no matter how old we get and they're listening to every word we say - unquestioningly.
In my position as a photographer, I hear those snide remarks masked as coy humor. I feel the pain behind your words knowing full well we just try to make the best of what we see as ugly. Because there's a deep, old pain of my own - a pain that told a little girl she'd never be as pretty as her sisters (or brother), a pain that told a little girl she looked like a bulldog, a pain that told a little girl no one would ever love her or see her as pretty because she was too pale, too ordinary, too fat, too awkward, too boyish, too toothy, too mundane, too grotesque.
I hear those jokes you make about yourself too and I hurt because I know you believe the lies and the little kid that's still inside of you hears those sentiments with unquestioning ears and I know, I just know, that they believe those lies too.
I want my space to be a safe space where you can talk about anything, share your struggles and confide your insecurities in me. But I also want to pull your mean sentiments out and hug them until they stop kicking and screaming and scratching and snarling and give in to the fact that you are loved EXACTLY as you are.
I wish you to know on an intrinsic level that you are beautiful, wonderfully designed and LOVED. 💞
For the longest time I used to conceptualize only in my head, storing my inspirations in anxious await of the day I could bring them into fruition. After a while though, all those ideas start to pile up in different stacks in my brain. Some of my once effervescent ideas eventually faded away into the cobwebs filling the corners of my brain after getting pushed further and further back on the inspiration list.
That's why I started a dream journal - a place where I could scrawl my textures and jot the flashes of stories with the lower risk of their lives fading away into dark recesses. My dream journal previously only served my personal creativity. Then, I had an epiphany and recognized that my creative process - if I looked at it broadly - was much the same across all the avenues I put my ideas into.
Now, on any given day, you can find me with stacks of active clipboards - each containing a brand or concept profile - full of sketches, stories, inspiration and all things mood related for client projects. It's these parts of growth that I've come to appreciate over my life's journey. I'm glad that I found a harmony with which I can help bring the ideas of others to life as I've previously done for myself.
Winston-Salem Photographer | Business, Branding and Concept Photography
Boisterous laughter surrounded me like the overflowing knit of my favorite sweater as I sat at the table. The twinkling of the warm Christmas lights softly falling on every smiling face. Our plates long since empty and stomachs full, we sat for the simple purpose of filling our hearts with each others company. Quietly I sat back, watching the communion between friends and time began to slow. I memorized each loved one's expression and reveled in their joy, slowing down my mental pace to consume every detail... and there was peace.
It's important to slow and appreciate a moment. My spirit always finds deep refreshment in doing so. It's like sitting in a river, being fully part of a current but pausing to watch the droplets of every splash and notice every bubble as it swirls in the current.
There's been so much excitement and positive connection through Jasper & Fern lately that I've been thrilled to immerse myself in. Today though, I've found it necessary and refreshing to slow my mental pace, fill my spirit with pure appreciation and revel in each shared moment that has flowed into this moment in time.
Especially in a time where human connection is minimal and one of the best ways to care for each other is from a distance, I am most appreciative of all the people and business owners with whom we've found new ways to meaningfully come together and build relationships.
You are appreciated.
You are loved.
You are seen.
I'm looking forward to dinners and in person connections with you when the time is right.
~ With gratitude ~