On-Location Brand Photography | Winston-Salem Business and Brand Photographer | Jasper & Fern

I’m here to answer this one question for you, yes you, you hard working, small business owner who wants something different for your brand other than studio photos.

On-location brand portrait for Winston-Salem based small business marketer, Mallory Schlabach. | Winston-Salem Business and Brand Photographer | Jasper & Fern

On-location brand portrait for Winston-Salem based small business marketer, Mallory Schlabach. | Winston-Salem Business and Brand Photographer | Jasper & Fern

Y-E-S! On location brand photography is a great option for your business!

Not all branding photographs need to happen in a photography studio. They can happen anywhere! Your brand photographs need to serve you.

If that means you need them on-location on a rooftop or a beach or in a library or in the forest or in your attic or on a farm or at your storefront or your shop - a.n.y.w.h.e.r.e. - then that’s what needs to happen. You know your brand best. Don’t be afraid to ask for the atypical.

On-location branding photography can help you stand out. It provides the opportunity to show what you do in a creative way. It can give your audience a more intimate glimpse into your life and the inner workings of your vision. It can even showcase your business WHY in a creative way.

So go on, you awesome small business owner, put your vision out there and let’s create brand photographs that sell your unique story!