The Jacket | Donna's Headshot Session with Winston-Salem Headshot Photographer Jasper & Fern
“I want to be as me as I can be.”
“I don’t think I’ve ever reschedule for a jacket before…” I thought to myself. I was intrigued.
The impression I’d gotten from Donna over the phone was of a spunky, confident woman who was ambitiously taking on her new headshots as a form of celebrating who she is.
My intrigue grew the more I thought about it, “it must be quite the jacket!”
Greeting her from the front the door as she pulled into the parking lot, I waited to help her carry in her items. She parked, swiftly stepping out her car door in black leather pants, her feathered walnut hair fluttering with the quick movement. A friendly ruby red smile smile grew on her face as she waved back at me quickly snagging a black hangup bag. Her words rang true, “I like to be out of the box - a non traditional person. I don’t want to blend in.” Blend in she didn’t, she had the presence of a rock guitarist.
As we settled her into the studio, I kept the corner of my eye on the black garment bag. Now hanging on the rack, it was taunting me - ready to be opened as we focused on recapping her goals for her headshots.
“I have two jackets,” Donna said. “I don’t like this first one as much. The one I was waiting on is the one I want most of my photos in. It’s me.”
She drug the zipper swiftly, a periwinkle leather blazer sleeve unfurling out of the opening.
I could tell she truly meant that this periwinkle piece was a backup - her lips pursing for a quick moment. But then… her eyes lit up as she reached into the back of the bag, bringing forth a patterned piece that boldly made a statement. The zebra leather patches perfectly complimented the black and white Chanel styled tweed and black leather segments marvelously.
It was, indeed, a perfect fit for Donna.
As she slipped the jacket on it seemed as though, simultaneously, she was donning another layer of confidence. Her shoulders sat more squarely. She held herself taller. The sparkle in her eyes stayed constant. My smile grew larger, knowing she would show up as every bit of the spunky, confident woman ready to celebrate herself that she wanted to.