Jasper & Fern

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Disarmament | Martha's Headshot Session

With a laugh and mischievous grin, Martha looked across the table at me “Do you know someone called me disarming?” Her smile grew. “I didn’t know what to think when they said that but they finally explained that they see me as someone who easily takes down [people’s] walls.” After knowing Martha for almost a year, I had to agree. She’s someone who you instantly relax around and want to share a sweet tea with, sitting in rocking chairs on a front porch staring at the humming birds that are frequenting the bushes along the railing. At the same time, however, Martha is as professional as professional gets. She cares deeply for the clients she serves through SpotOn, only wanting them to have the helpful tools at their disposal.

Not too long ago, Martha and I got together to plan out her headshot session. “I want two photographs - one that shows my serious side and another that reflects a not-so-serious Martha. I need to look professional but I like how I look when I laugh and smile.”

To best serve her needs, I decided to take a few contemporary headshots without her SpotOn equipment that could focus on her friendly demeanor. Then, I wanted to incorporate her SpotOn equipment so she could have personalized photographs that matched the content she shares online, to use in her marketing materials and for a unique way to stand out in her Zoom conference calls.

Since delivering her final headshots, Martha has been using them any place she can. She even shared that she’s never gotten so many compliments on a photograph of herself. I was with her one day when she was sharing about her new headshots to some peers in our networking circles and she began to tear up as she expressed her gratitude for putting her insecurities to rest. “The photographs are wonderful and I'm happy to have them, especially since I've been using the same single photo across the board for way too long.” 

It’s always a special opportunity to help boost someone’s confidence and give them an extra mental edge when they market their work using one of their new headshots. It’s even sweeter when we get to work with people we know and get to see the continuing results!