A Gentle Fog | Rave Beauty's Branding Session

She was soft spoken, like a gentle fog in the quiet of a meadow morning; her presence adding an ethereal intrigue and calm to the atmosphere. A warm invitation for relaxation and comfort sits behind her every smile. It only makes sense that she’d choose to own the type of business she does.

Camouflaged in the humdrum of red bricks and fluorescent hallways, there’s an open door to another world. The moment you cross the threshold, stress falls off your shoulders and a coziness wraps around you. It’s a welcome disruption to a busy day.

In this little mini-vacation, Janine is your host. She’s cultured a calming ambiance of petite plants, salt rock lamps, snuggly blankets and room for a clear headspace. This is her passion-project, her home away from home where she gets to help people feel and look their best.

Taking in the heart and atmosphere of your business is what we love - which is why people who aim to make a difference are our favorite type of people, just like Janine. We loved capturing different elements of her business that showcase who she is, help her market her services to her clients and showcase the atmosphere of her brand to help reach her target market.

Step into the quiet, coziness of Rave Beauty. Relish in the calm atmosphere and greet Janine in the summary of her branding photography session below.

Branding Photography for Winston-Salem Spa, Rave Beauty | Photographs that Market to Your Target Client | Winston-Salem Business and Branding Photographer Jasper & Fern

Branding Photography for Winston-Salem Spa, Rave Beauty | Photographs that Market to Your Target Client | Winston-Salem Business and Branding Photographer Jasper & Fern

Branding Photography for Winston-Salem Spa, Rave Beauty | Photographs that Market to Your Target Client | Winston-Salem Business and Branding Photographer Jasper & Fern

Branding Photography for Winston-Salem Spa, Rave Beauty | Photographs that Market to Your Target Client | Winston-Salem Business and Branding Photographer Jasper & Fern

Branding Photography with products for Winston-Salem Spa, Rave Beauty | Photographs that Market to Your Target Client | Winston-Salem Business and Branding Photographer Jasper & Fern

Branding Photography with products for Winston-Salem Spa, Rave Beauty | Photographs that Market to Your Target Client | Winston-Salem Business and Branding Photographer Jasper & Fern

Branding Photography for Winston-Salem Spa, Rave Beauty | Photographs that Market to Your Target Client | Winston-Salem Business and Branding Photographer Jasper & Fern

Branding Photography for Winston-Salem Spa, Rave Beauty | Photographs that Market to Your Target Client | Winston-Salem Business and Branding Photographer Jasper & Fern

Branding Photography for Winston-Salem Spa, Rave Beauty | Photographs that Market to Your Target Client | Winston-Salem Business and Branding Photographer Jasper & Fern

Branding Photography for Winston-Salem Spa, Rave Beauty | Photographs that Market to Your Target Client | Winston-Salem Business and Branding Photographer Jasper & Fern

Headshot and Branding Photography for Winston-Salem Spa, Rave Beauty | Photographs that Market to Your Target Client | Winston-Salem Business and Branding Photographer Jasper & Fern

Headshot and Branding Photography for Winston-Salem Spa, Rave Beauty | Photographs that Market to Your Target Client | Winston-Salem Business and Branding Photographer Jasper & Fern