Celebrating Jacey

Just because you have a certain diagnosis, doesn’t mean you have to live your life like you’re dying.
— Jacey

On the day of her session, Jacey washed into the studio like a wave greeting the shoreline. She was grounded, excited and ready to have new portraits with her hair all grown back.  From the moment she walked in the door, Jacey had a bounce in her step and a propelling energy in her smile.

As a Face of Komen, Jacey is not only a cancer survivor but has also had a reoccurrence of her cancer, which classifies her as Stage 4. You'd never know she'd been fighting so much because her positivity radiates. Once you get to talk to her, however, you start to realize just how much of a fighter she is - constantly staying positive throughout her treatment. 

Come and be a part of her session by viewing our behind the scenes video!