Love Beyond Darkness
My husband and I just watched Wonder Woman again for the third time. Even as a grown woman, I resonate with the desire to be a super hero; a deep desire to be able to save people or have the power to heal or stop bad things from happening. I'm aways inspired by Wonder Woman's intense love and compassion for humanity and the fervor with which she pursues saving the world. She sees the bigger picture, that it's not just good guys versus bad guys. She sees that it is ALL of humanity that can and should be rescued. Even now, thinking about the kind of love that sees beyond our darkness, a lump forms in my throat. Sometimes I wish I had super powers. Sometimes I wish I could change the world. Then I realize, I CAN. I can make a difference and I can do that by being the best me. We have each been created with a unique purpose, unique gifts (super powers) that we can change our world with. 💗