6 Hours, 5lbs of Clay and One Mummy Later
People are inspiring. We each have quirks that make us tick and excite us. Finding out what those interests are adds to my love for what I do.
Sarah, who you'll meet in the video below, was recently selected for a top-tier opportunity in her field. This trip will take her to Spain to have hands-on experience with MUMMIES! How cool is that?! Really, really old dead people may not be everyone's thing but they're certainly Sarah's! She is the ever-inquisitive adventurer, constantly thirsting for knowledge and answers to "why." She enjoys prodding into topics and learning as much as she can. With a special interest in Egyptian culture, combined with her love for modeling, we knew marrying avante-garde fashion with artifact lighting and designing Sarah into her own special "goddess," her Dream Portrait Experience was set to be unique.
Check out the full behind-the-scenes video below - you'll even get a sneak peek at some of the final portraits from her session!
“It’s like a jigsaw puzzle, except you can’t cheat and look at the box and not all the pieces are there.”