With a distinct twinkle in her eye and an unwavering welcoming gaze, those first 5 seconds of meeting Beth are sure to leave an impression. At least, those few seconds made an impact on me. I've had the pleasure of becoming friends with Beth and, turns out, those first few seconds were only cracking the door to every aspect that makes her such an inspiring person and immoveable force.

When you share time with Beth, whether you are in conversation or simply creating, there is an air of peaceful thought that will settle. You see, Beth lives a life of intention and love, down to her bones. She is one of the most trustworthy, loyal people I have come across and her demeanor and heart make it easy for people to open up to her, to feel safe even in moments of vulnerability. I've watched people interact with Beth and it's incredible to observe the person's body language change to relaxed and open. Beth's ability to create this almost immediate trust and bond is astounding! (It's also one of the elements that makes her such a great massage therapist!)

Whether through her paintings, her massage practice, her friendships, her coaching or her tai chi Beth has a directive for herself and a heart of guidance. Constantly aware of the people around her, Beth never forgoes the opportunity to positively affect her community. She finds purpose in everything and is a determined, driven and fiery individual. She has this sort of take-charge attitude complemented by an approachable demeanor.

One of Beth's most admirable characteristics is her ability to sense your struggle and, somehow, and even sometimes without you quite knowing she is doing it, she begins to give you opportunities to grow and better yourself - to step outside your comfort and take the lead. And the best part? She does it in such a supportive way. Whether she knows it or not, she inspires people around her to thrive and improve themselves.

Constantly advocating habitual self-care, taking time to breathe and following your truth, constantly giving support and inspiring people to create or move forward, you will undoubtedly be energized after spending time with her. If you ever have a chance to meet Beth, view her art or receive a massage from her, I know you'll know what I mean when I say "Once you've met her, you don't forget her."

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