Jasper & Fern

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First and most importantly, thank you. Thank you for your continual support of Nancy and me in our MIROIR venture. Thank you for your graciousness as we transitioned into Miroir and are now transitioning beyond Miroir. We have enjoyed getting to know you during your time at the Miroir studio and we are excited to continue our journey's together from here!

For me, this transition is bitter-sweet. This isn't "good-bye" to those of you whom I've gotten to know when you've come in for your salon appointments. This is, however, an adjustment to seeing you less frequently. You all have been a tremendous source of joy for me during my time as Miroir. We've shared many raw, honest conversations together. We've celebrated your joys together and you've shared your frustrations and hurt. Thank you each for sharing your hearts and lives with me. I have come to appreciate and love each of you for your character, hearts and uniquenesses. While I know we won't see each other as frequently, I am excited to continue our journeys together through Jasper & Fern. Thank you for sharing your lives with me!

There are also those of you who I've had the unique opportunity to build relationships with through Beauty Experiences or your interest in Beauty Experiences. I absolutely treasure our time spent together and I look forward to being part of your beautiful lives and your life journey's. You all hold a special place in my heart.

It is my sincerest hope that I continue this journey with you. Even if it's just a chance for a coffee break together, a heart-to-heart chat or a Beauty Experience, I'd be honored to keep you all in my life and to be kept in yours. Below are some of the best ways for us to keep in touch.

Thank you, each of you, for your support. You are loved and appreciated!

With Love, Alyson