Jasper & Fern

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Celebrating Anna

Nervous about how she would look, Anna, a young dancer, entered our studio quietly. It was easy to see that she was special. In moments, she eased into herself. When Anna put on her first leotard and her instructor, Kay of Juxtaposition Studios, began coaching her through her first pose, she unfolded. Her elegance and spunk perfectly balanced. She was giggling in one breath and gracefully flowing in the next. She was beautiful to watch. People like Anna, who you know have had to face obstacles, posess a quiet strength; a resilience that makes them shine from a deeper part of their soul. She's proof that you can overcome and, even in her initial nervousness, you could see she had a this beauty.

"Dance is a poem where every movement is a word."

Pop into our Winston Salem, NC studio for Anna's dance portrait experience.